Posted in: Slack



越来越多的公司或者团队使用Slack作为敏捷开发团队沟通协作工具,本文简单讲述Slack使用技巧中的“提及” @

  • @某个具体用户可以提醒到相关人员是和他们相关消息
  • 当然,还有就是用@来提及用户组,面向那种7 x24值班的可以使用用户组方式而无需关心究竟是谁在值班。


Slack also includes three special mentions: “@Everyone”, “@Channel”, and “@Here”.

  • Mentioning “@Everyone” will notify every member of the server of the message. 这个@everyone会提醒到所有的人
  • “@Channel” will send a notification to everyone that is a member of the channel the message was posted in.
  • “@Here” only notifies members of the current channel that are currently online.
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